lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


 Hello Bloggers! 

Today I bring a project airline fatalities that occurred during 2000 and 2009. In this infographic we can see the representation of each of the years (2000-2009). The white part of each plane represents the number of deaths in accidents that year. For example, in 2004 there were 728 deaths. In total, at 9 years 11042 deaths were recorded.

The graphic that is represented by bars show the number of deaths by continent. We see a high number of deaths in Asia that is recorded about 3,000 deaths, this is followed by South America with 2000. The continent least affected by air accidents is Australia, also due to their smaller size.

In this project I chose to represent the number of deaths by aircraft with two colors (black and white), because it seemed a very visual way to get information to the viewer. The white part of the airplane is more powerful and is the section that comes first for show the most important information.

At the bar graph icons of people bring a clearer and more accurate visualization, thanks to the representation of the continents can be more visually locate the accident. The length of the bar provides a clear statement of the situation, for this reason I have chosen the red color to impact.

Finally, the range of colors that I have used up to very neutral and muted colors as the infographic is not a fun topic. The white, black and gray are the main colors, along with red also brings the most shocking information.

This is my infographic about airplane fatalities. Until next entry, thanks for reading.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Helena! I like very much your graphic, the white of the planes that explains the fatalities of aircrashes is a very good way to explain it visually. the colors are simply but the contrast between colors makes the graphic easier to understand!
    good job!

  2. I too like your graphic. The colors are well chosen, and the audience get two kinds of information. But in my opinion the fond you have chosen looks more like something in a comic than something appropriate for telling about airplane fatalities. Maybe that's just me... Another thing is - I like your idea about showing the continents in the chart, but be careful with that, because it's not everybody who knows what the different continents look like. I personally don't, so I am not able to fully understand the graphic. And that's a shame.

  3. Hi Andre and Rikke, your comments can help me to improve my graphics. Is a tragic infographic for this Rikke is right for it because it may not seem like a comic, is an infographic. Due to not put much text I have avoided many explanations that may have been necessary. Thanks for your advice and follow my blog.
