miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013


Hi followers!!

There are a simple way to analyze a graphic that I want to share with us. With a different parts at two levels, 'more complex and deeper', that have the abstraction, the functionality, density, multidimensionality, originality and novelty. And the other level is 'more intelligible and shallower' that contains the redundancy, familiarity, unidimensionality, lightness, decoration and figuration.

Now I will go on to develop these two levels from this Infographic of Enric Trias.

As we can see this is an info-graphic about the 4 countries in the south of the European union and their rates of unemployment, the changes among a year and the comparation with other countries.

Figuration in this graphic is less present that abstraction, because the tools that Enric has used are abstract. These figures are not icons, less danger signal that enclosing the number 4. We can see too, that this informationgraphic is more functional than decorated, because only have three different parts but has not any kind of special decoration. Is more lightness than density because doesn't appear much information and the information is clear and orderly. Only has one dimension, for this reason is an unidimensional graphic. The way that Enric represent the information is more familiar, the familiarity is basic in this project. Finally, novelty plays and important role in this graphic because the project is not redundant.

To sum up and to do the conclusion I can say that is a easy graphic to understand the colors that were used are a good option for represent the European Union Labors. The combination between green and red and a little text in blue is a good idea. 

If you use this way of analyze an info-graphic you understand the information easier.

I hope you will use it, bye!!

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


Hi bloggers!

Today I want to show my info-graphic about the employment at the European Union.

We can see different ways of represent the information. First, the map show Europe with a degradation of one color and with this show the countries that have more people working. In addition, the icons of men and women represent the different situation of work at 2009 between men and women. Finally the bars shows the growth at the years 2005- 2009.

I use these colors because I think that represent in a clear way the information that I want to show. These colors transmit calm and relax and is a perfect combination to understand this topic.

Thanks for reading!


Hello everyone!

Today I wanted to show my first infographic. Now that I have more experience with indesign, I realize I could have changed many things to make it more attractive.

However, I used neutral, blue and light blue colors as I wanted represent the universe. With circles and orbits I simulated  the planets and their distance from the sun. The text you see are some questions and answers about planets

I think there's too little text and image, but it was hard to put much text on one page. To the color of the planets I used the degradation, so that more resembled actual planets. When performing an informative infographic avoid giving much text and add more images.

I have another example of represent the same information in other info-graphic of Patricia Barajas. 

Is other simple and well developed project. The simplicity and accuraty are predominant in this graphic. Differences between this project and mine are basically the colors used and the way the planets are represented.

I hope it has been helpful, until the next entry!

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013


Hello!! today I bring my graphic design on the theft at the Museum Isabella Steward Gardner of Boston happened in 1990.

In this infographic we can see the process that followed the robbers to steal pictures. In infographic appear a picture in which are represented all the elements listed stolen. The sequence of events are shown by a timeline with the hours and the times when the different events are happening.  The agents represent the two thieves who dressed security officers to go unnoticed.

This theft has been one of the most catastrophic and well executed that have occurred. Therefore, knowing the sequence of events hour per hour its interesting and curious. However, I also wanted to add the biggest robberies have occurred with their stolen goods.

In my design I wanted to emphasize the difference in hours, so by the degradation of color stripes have got divided into different parts. Two yellow snacks provide written to the chart to develop those aspects most relevant information.

I used pink and black colors as I wanted to maintain a neutral core in the entire graph. Degradation of colors by the percentage has been what I've used to show a continuity of events.

Devised a robbery that got its purpose. Thank you for your attention.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


 Hello Bloggers! 

Today I bring a project airline fatalities that occurred during 2000 and 2009. In this infographic we can see the representation of each of the years (2000-2009). The white part of each plane represents the number of deaths in accidents that year. For example, in 2004 there were 728 deaths. In total, at 9 years 11042 deaths were recorded.

The graphic that is represented by bars show the number of deaths by continent. We see a high number of deaths in Asia that is recorded about 3,000 deaths, this is followed by South America with 2000. The continent least affected by air accidents is Australia, also due to their smaller size.

In this project I chose to represent the number of deaths by aircraft with two colors (black and white), because it seemed a very visual way to get information to the viewer. The white part of the airplane is more powerful and is the section that comes first for show the most important information.

At the bar graph icons of people bring a clearer and more accurate visualization, thanks to the representation of the continents can be more visually locate the accident. The length of the bar provides a clear statement of the situation, for this reason I have chosen the red color to impact.

Finally, the range of colors that I have used up to very neutral and muted colors as the infographic is not a fun topic. The white, black and gray are the main colors, along with red also brings the most shocking information.

This is my infographic about airplane fatalities. Until next entry, thanks for reading.

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013



Today, in a very visual way, I would like to show some of the techniques that can be used in the program Indesign, with whom I made ​​all the graphics you've posted.

The movements are simple, but if you do not know at first is difficult to deduce for yourself. I think that the explanations are represented in a easy way.

Maybe, this figure can be the most difficult to do, but if you follow the phases it is easy to do. 

I hope you have served, and to know that with a little imagination and the right skills to do a good infographic is not a hard work. 

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013


Hi Bloggers!

This is my new blog about my graphic designs. I am a student of journalism and I am in second grade. I have the subject of graphic design in which we make all kinds of designs. I will upload to this blog some of my best infographics with an interesting explanation to provide information to the reader.

Particularly, this infographic with which I open the blog is a model of my curriculum-vitae. The idea was to create a graphic and attractive curriculum using tools indesign program. To create a different curriculum manage to catch the attention of many more sectors and more attractive to the viewer. This does not mean that having a curriculum with more icons and images you can get the best job, but helps when deciding between candidates.

My resume has seven sections in which different aspects of both my personal and professional life are explained. Far some bars indicates greater or lesser ability, and the size of the circles is also relevant when it comes to knowing which are my best skills. The languages ​​I speak and my personal interests are represented by icons that help create a visual image of my profile.

If you do not know a person and see this curriculum-vitae will provide a much clearer vision and visual if you see the typical resume that we are all used. For this reason, make a resume with an info graphic is a good option to apply for a job. Be creative and love for detail is what makes the difference.

I hope it was helpful. That's all for today, see you in the next post.